The catalogue – book “Weaving Entanglement” celebrates the twinning Italy New Zealand to the acclaimed Italian Pavilion “Resilient Communities” of the curator Alessandro Melis at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021. The book dedicates the cover and 36 pages (as well as part of the title) to Alessandro Zannier, the Ottodix exhibited on stage and the two projects “Entanglement” and “ENT1 Venice/Auckland” that are the faces of music and art of the same medal. The catalogue, in the part dedicated to the artist, in addition to documentation on the performance in the Biennale and the installation twinned with that sent to the University of Auckland, with which it exchanges environmental data on the noise pollution of the ports of the two cities at the antipodes, offers an excursus on all the other exhibitions and side events to the ENT project. An opera at the European Cultural Centre in Venice with two musical performances, an important group exhibition at the Diocesan Museum of Vicenza, one of canvases with sound performance at the CNR Istituto marino dell’Arsenale in Venice with which the artist has collected environmental data reworking them in spectacular 3D animations, a personal anthology of the entire project in Vittorio Veneto and a concert at the Teatro da Ponte and a collective exhibition at the Galata Museo del Mare in Genoa
The volume contains, in addition to an introduction by Alessandro Melis, an interview with the artist curated by Diego Repetto, a critical speech by Gabriele Romeo (President of AICA – Associazione Internazionale Critici d’Arte), an in-depth analysis of the concept album “Entanglement” edited by marco Olivotto and other contributions by gallery owners and curators.
The promotion of the book will be accompanied by presentations – event which include showcases with a reduced line-up of the Ottodix Ensemble, between April and June.
The events yet to be defined as dates will in the meantime be in Vittorio Veneto (TV), Villorba (TV) Lovat bookstores, Verona, Venice and Vignola (MO)