For the 60th anniversary of the Vajont disaster, the artist presents – DIGA – , a special sound video performance of the “Ark” tour

A sound performance, instrumental adaptation of the live set do Ottodix, for cello, piano, synth and visuals. A production conceived ad hoc for the Museo del ’900 M9 in Mestre (VE), the sixth very important stage of my residency in Venice for ArcaVenice wanted by the Venetian Research and Innovation District.
Here is the release directly from the Museum’s website.

Saturday, October 21, 7:30 pm in Auditorium “Cesare De Michelis.”
We look forward to seeing you – site-specific event with the collaboration of Davide Commone of the Venice Conservatory and his soundscapes, Alex Piacentini on visuals and vocal recordings by Laura Marini.

Sixty years after the Vajont tragedy, M9 – Museo del ’900 presents a new chapter of Capire il ’900: Oltre la diga, a series of appointments to remember and retrace what happened on October 9, 1963, when a landslide caused a huge amount of water to overflow beyond the dam of the same name, causing the death of nearly 2,000 people.

The program concludes on Saturday, October 21 at 7:30 p.m. in Auditorium “Cesare De Michelis” with an audiovisual concert performance by and with Alessandro Zannier, in collaboration with DVRI – Distretto Veneziano Ricerca Innovazione.
Under the musical pseudonym OTTODIX, Zannier presents Diga, a performance in which he mixes music, songs, video art, stock images and, above all, data, numbers, premonitions and cross-witness accounts of similar catastrophic events of saturated biological microcosms or areas such as the Venetian lagoon grappling with MOSE or that of Vajont, placing at the center of them the destructive and irrepressible force of water, as an uncontrollable element symbolic for human societies, with which we will soon have to reckon in all respects.

The sound of the performance, performed live on stage by pianist Loris Sovernigo, Zannier himself on voice and synth, and Alessandra Lunghi on cello, is enriched by the complex audio installations created by the artist himself in collaboration with Davide Commone, a student at the Conservatorio “Benedetto Marcello” in Venice, with soundscapes obtained by recording sounds from the lagoon, organized according to the DNA sequences of endangered species.
The video part conceived by the artist, is co-written with Alex Piacentini, a creative programmer who also collaborates on the sonifications of the DNA data and the images generated from them.
Free admission subject to availability.

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